Friday 14 March 2014

Little update

Here are some photos from the last 24hrs. Lyall at home before we went in then with the surgeon and anaesthetist then after the operation.

He is still heavily sedated and is being kept on the drugs to paralyse him until Sunday. He is retaining quite a lot of fluids so has been put on diuretics and also has a catheter in. He is having regular chest physio to prevent infections forming in his chest whilst he is so inactive. Feels a bit strange watching other people suction him after years of it being down to us. He gets cross when people come and mess with him, his heart rate goes up and tears come out of his eyes which is hard. However earlier when we told him his favourite stories his heart rate went down so did feel like we are doing something.

Once again we have been inundated with visits from medical people who are keen to see how he's doing. At one point this morning the room was filled with the consultant who used to be his designated consultant when he was in for so long, his respiratory consultant who is just lovely and the  2 long term ventilation nurses who helped us so much from the transition from hospital to home. These were probably the key people in our lives for so many months and again there is so much hope that this will work for him and us. 

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