Tuesday 25 February 2014

Happy Trachiversary Lyall

Its 4 years today since Lyall had his tracheostomy. At the time he had spent 6 weeks totally ventilated and sedated in PICU following heart surgery. Weeks of tests had shown he had a rare condition called bronchomalacia meaning his airways were collapsing down and he would need long term 24hr ventilation. The trachesotomy was a massive step forward as it would mean we could start to hold him, cuddle him, learn to care for him and eventually bring him home. Best of all was that we could se his lovely face again as it was no longer covered in the tape that held the vent tube in his nose.

The hope was that he would quickly become established on a mobile ventilator so we could start taking him out but in reality this took many months as his lungs were so damaged.

That little tube has given us so much and whatever happens in the next few weeks we will be forever grateful for the chance it gave Lyall.

Lyall has marked this special day by doing his first ever poo on the toilet! Clever boy!

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