Friday 28 February 2014

Operation germ avoidance begins!

So today marked a significant day in the build up to Lyalls surgery. It was his last day at playgroup. We can't risk him catching anything yucky prior to the operation so decided it was best if he was away from large groups of small children for a while. The last thing we want is for the operation to be cancelled because he is ill or worse still that he is brewing something at the time of the op that then rears its ugly head and becomes problematic during the recovery period.

Lyall is really popular at Playgroup and whenever he is off as he is sick or has an appointment children ask where he is. It was decided that we would explain to them that he wouldn't be there for a while as he is going into hospital and their responses were just lovely. As Sharron started to say about the operation one boy said "Lyall has a tube in his neck to breathe", another said "I've got a doctors set", others began to talk about their poorly legs and other ailments. One girl said "I'm going to remember to tell my mummy and daddy". Then they all said good luck and thank you as Lyall had taken chocolate treats for them all!

Lyalls playgroup is just brilliant and we couldn't have chosen a more dedicated, committed and inclusive setting for him to start his education. We have had to take turns to be there to support his health needs and today I was acutely aware that next time he goes he may not have a tracheostomy and may get to the stage of us not needing to be there.

We have an appointment with the surgeon on Monday to ask our zillion questions-feel one of our legendary lists coming on! Then the next 9 days will be spent doing fun things with Lyall.

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